The Best Food to Eat in Athens, Greece

Yes, it really is as good as you think it’s going to be!!

Oh my gosh! It’s not just the architecture, beauty, and people you will love. You will also love the food too… sometimes more! Let’s go through a list of some of the foods you need to try while here.


#1 - Dolmades

Traditional Greek dolmades consist of a mixture of rice, herbs and seasoning (sometimes with minced meat as well) and wrapped in grape leaves before boiled. They are usually served with lemon, olive oil, and Greek yogurt. So good and pretty healthy! You’ll feel good after eating a few of them!


#2 - Classic Greek Dips

We decided to lump all of these together since they typically come together. You have your tzatziki, hummus, pureed fava bean dip, taramasalata, and other culinary delights. It is usually served with warm pita bread, although some restaurants have those separately, so check with your waiter. It is such a simple dish, but definetely worth it to share with friends or family (or have it as your meal like I have… no sharing for me).


#3 - Anything Aubergine (Eggplant)

We’re serious. You can find aubergine in any kind of form here… and it is all AMAZING. You can find it similar to the photo above, with is boiled aubergine with tomatoes and olives lightly dusted with feta cheese and herbs. It can sometimes be skewered with meats or added as crisps as a topping for food. It can go into casseroles or sandwiches as well as “Eggplant Steaks” for vegetarians. Honestly, there are so many options for vegetarians to enjoy the cuisine here, so anybody can eat something and be happy, unlike other parts of Europe.


#4 - Grilled Meats

If you’re a meat eater, you will have no problem finding what you want as well. There are many options to find meat-heavy dishes. Our personal favourite is souvlaki, which is grilled meat on a stick. You can find souvlaki at many food stands and restaurants. You can pick any meat from lamb and beef, to chicken, pork, and goat. Gyros are another Greek classic, which you can usually find at the same restaurants that serve souvlaki.


#5 - Moussaka

This is my personal favourite. Moussaka is a casserole that consists of minced meat, aubergine (see - even in there), tomatoes, garlic and herbs, heavy béchamel sauce, and topped with cheese. My friends reading this are probably thinking, “Yep, that sounds like something she’d like LOL).” It is then baked for a long period of time and is served hot. If you ordered a good one, it should be browned on the top, like the image displayed. SO SO GOOD!


#6 - Fresh Fish

Since Athens sits on the Aegean Sea, it’s no surprise that they have great seafood here. You will taste some of the freshest seafood you’ve ever had. Some of these restaurants have fishermen on staff that go and collect the fish for the day. You can’t say that for other European cities. Many restaurants have options for fish, such as boiled, grilled, and fried. We personally love anchovies or sardines, so we usually get that as a starter with fresh olive oil and vinegar. It’s definetely worth it to try, even if you aren’t overly fond of fish.


#7 - Spanakopita

I know I said moussaka was my favourite dish in Greece, but can I make this my favourite street food? Spanakopita is a perfect combination of textures. It is made from crispy filo dough that is encased with cooked “meaty” spinach, creamy feta cheese, along with onions, garlic, and spices. You will typically find it at food stands, cafes, and bakeries. It is sometimes labelled as “spinach pastry” or “feta pastry” as we noticed.


#8 - Baklava

Baklava originated in Greece and Turkey. It is once again a pastry made with filo dough, so it has many tiny layers that gives it its signature crunch. It is filled with finely chopped nuts and sweetened with honey and spices, such as cinnamon and nutmeg. You can find baklava anywhere throughout your stay in Athens. They sell boxes of them at the gift shops and cafes. You can also find it as an option for dessert at a restaurant after you’ve finished your meal.


#9 - Loukoumades

Loukoumades are basically Greek donuts. They are small fried balls of dough that are traditionally topped with honey and walnuts. However, there are many stands around Athens that offer loukoumades with a twist or two. Some are stuffed with feta cheese and topped with chilis, while others are piled high with ice cream and chocolate drizzle. We have our personal recommendation on the best place to try loukoumades at the end of this blog, so keep reading.


#10 - Greek Yogurt with Candied Carrots

This one may seem a little odd, but it is so delicious and good on the gut. After a heavy meal of Greek food, sometimes it’s nice to finish something that is good on the digestion. Greek yogurt with candied carrots is what the locals say “a staple” after a heavy meal. We were a little nervous trying it because the idea seemed weird to us, but wow! It was amazing! It’s just lightly sweetened by the carrots and we did feel much better after eating it. It will sometimes be served after your meal complimentary. It depends on what restaurant you visit, so check with your restaurant in advance if you want this later. Some of our restaurant recommendations at the bottom of this blog do indeed serve this at the end!


Top 3 Best Restaurants

So where can you find the best places to try this awesome food?!?! We went to many, many, many restaurants in and around Athens. We went to highly rated restaurants from Google and Tripadvisor as well as trying some local favourites recommended to us. Here is our recommendation for the top 3 BEST restaurants that you HAVE TO TRY depending on your budget!

Best low cost: Hoocut

Best mid cost: Karamanlidka

Best high cost: Strofi (rooftop bar with view of the Acropolis… perfect for a romantic date night!)


Best Dessert Recommendations

Lukumades (Greek donuts) = F’ing Nuts

Davinci Gelato = Tiramisu or Fresh Strawberry gelato

Diodos = Baklava (right across from the Ancient Agora of Athens)


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