Top 10 Things to Know Before Visiting York, England


#1 - York is Nothing Like London

Before we traveled to York for the first time, LOTS of people were telling us that York is just like London or even better than London. We were surprised to hear that so many people like York and often compare it to London - one of the most famous cities in the world. So, when we arrived, we were expecting it to be comparable to London. Look, you can’t compare York to London. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. York is very beautiful and unique in its own way. It has a lot of interesting history that London does not have and visa versa. York has a lot to offer, but it is much smaller than London and does not have as many attractions. However, some people prefer that, which is why many consider it better than London. You be the judge.


#2 - There is a Preference for Card Over Cash

As we enter our post-covid era, many countries are relying on card over cash. The UK in general has been moving forward with this form of payment quicker than other countries. So, when you visit York, you don’t need to worry about getting some pounds from the bank before you make a trip here. There are even restaurants and stores that do not accept cash anymore, which is the complete opposite of how these businesses used to accept payment before the pandemic.


#3 - York is Proud of its Viking Heritage

During the Coppergate excavation in the 1970’s, the archeologists discovered York’s Viking past. They found houses, swords, coins, clothing, and skeletons all pointing to the Vikings that once ruled this part of England before the Battle of Hastings in 1066. These Vikings most likely came from Denmark and brought textiles, languages, hunting and fishing techniques, and other craftsmanship to England, thus progressing England more quickly into the powerhouse it became. You can see some of these on display at the Jorvik Viking Centre while you visit here.

You’ll get a sense of York’s pride in their Viking heritage through the souvenir shops, restaurants, and names of streets.


#4 - York is One of the Best Preserved Medieval Cities in the World

One may be surprised to hear that York is considered one of the best preserved medieval cities in the world. This is one of the reasons why so many flock to it every year. You can still see some of the original buildings, cobblestone pathways, taverns, and city walls that laid here during the Medieval period. It is truly amazing to see so many of these crooked buildings facing one another so closely around these alleyways, like something straight out of Harry Potter. If you’re into the Medieval period, York should be on your bucket list.


#5 - The Northern Culture is Different

If you drive from Southern England to Northern England, you will even see some differences on the road signs. Signs will quite literally just say THE NORTH. It’s funny, but the difference between the 2 parts that England is separated by can feel vastly different. Where you are determines what football team you root for, which big name tea brand you drink, how polite you are, or even how you speak. When you are in York, you are in Northern England. You’ll drink Yorkshire Tea, not PG Tips. You’ll notice they may speak a little slower and deeper. You’ll even notice the weather and climate feel completely different (which I’ll get to on the next point). Basically, York has a completely different feel, so don’t expect it to be like the rest of England. Sometimes, it feels like a different country all together, which makes it even more exciting!


#6 - Bring a Jacket All Seasons of the Year

Like mentioned earlier, even the weather is quite different from Southern England. I know Brits don’t like to admit it, but the UK is actually very small in comparison to many other countries. There’s not a lot of land it covers, so you would think that the whole nation would get similar temperatures around the country. That’s actually not the case, however. Just a couple of hours’ drive and you’re in a vastly different climate. Where we live in Cambridge, it was 18C. A few hours away in York at the same time, it was 1C. It is pretty cold and breezy in York year-round, so make sure you have a jacket or cardigan during all times of the year when visiting.


#7 - York is Not a Reasonable Destination

Another point people have told us before our initial visit is how cheap York is. While that might be true for accommodations compared to places like London, we didn’t see much difference in cost. Most meals and attraction tickets were roughly the same as that of London. However, much of the museums had fees, versus many of the museums in London are free. Don’t expect a reasonable trip here because there’s not a massive difference between it and London, with the exception of hotels and other accommodations - that was significantly cheaper in York. Another point is that York is a 2-3 day trip, versus London…. you could take a whole month in London and not see it all, which may explain some views that London is more expensive.


#8 - There is A Lot to Do, Especially for Children

York is jam-packed with lots of fun activities and attractions to fit everyone’s tastes. Whether it’s the history, culture, children’s activities, museums, or cuisine, there are plenty of things to do. That being said, you probably only need about 3 full days to casually see everything in the city. What’s really nice is that many of the top attractions are right next to each other or within a quick walking distance. What makes York perhaps different from other European cities is the fact that it’s super kid-friendly. You can go to York’s Chocolate Story, the Railway Museum, the Yorkshire Museum, parks, and fun arcade and mini golf areas that are perfect for kids to enjoy. This is probably one of the better options for parents in search for a family-friendly city in England.


#9 - York is Safe

Not every city in the UK is safe, but we felt very safe in York, even walking alone at night. It is considered one of the safest cities in the region. The only major offense is often petty crime. So far, there has not been any major crimes or violence in decades. However, it’s always a good idea no matter where you are to be vigilant and practice common sense. If an area doesn’t feel right to you, don’t go. Try to stay in groups and in light if you can. We wouldn’t worry too much about safety while you’re here visiting.


#10 - You Don’t Need to Do Everything that Google Suggests

Here’s the thing: you don’t need to do EVERYTHING that Google or your friends suggest you visit. You may not be interested in everything because there’s so many different activities that York offers. The art museum is nice, but you can still feel like you’ve seen all of York and not seen that museum. The Yorkshire museum is great for kids, but not necessarily for adults. If it’s just you and your spouse, it may not be worth the money to visit, even though it’s highly rated on Google and Trip Advisor users. Where you choose to go depends on your personal interests and what you enjoy. York has something for everybody, so you’ll be sure to find a least a few things that you are really interested in. York is a fantastic city - we’re sure you will love it just as much as we do!


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