Top 10 Things to Know Before Visiting Paris, France


#1 - Book Main Attractions in Advance

Paris is consistently one of the top tourist destinations in the entire world. There is no off-season for you to beat the crowds, so you will need to book major Paris attractions well in advance. These places include the Louvre, Versailles, and the Eiffel Tower (if you intend to go up the tower). If you don’t book in advance, you will either have to wait in extremely long lines for several hours, or you may not even get the chance to go at all, as some tickets book up for the day.


#2 - Be in the Line for Your Designated Time

We made this mistake when we were in line for the Louvre. Our appointed time was 9:15 a.m. We saw the lines were already packed and decided to join the 9:00 line window (we did not see a 9:15 line already preparing). So, naturally, we joined the 9:00 a.m. line thinking it would take at least 15 minutes before we got through. However, we were pushed out of the line once we showed our tickets. A worker directed us to the 9:15 line (again, didn’t know there was one) and we were back to the end of the line. If you have a specific designated time, make sure you look for it at these attractions. You will be caught otherwise.


#3 - Beware of the Infinite Scammers

Oh Paris. The city of lights and love… and scammers. We have been traveling for several years in and around Europe and have never come across so many scammers. I got scammed an extra $150 for tickets to the Louvre. It looked just like the official website to me, but clearly from everybody else’s tickets, it wasn’t. We also got scammed (more so tricked) by the portrait artists near Moulin Rouge. We chose an artist based on the example portrait she displayed. Unfortunately, the art was nothing like the example shown, but rather the skills of a 5-year-old who made my husband look like an anime child. We ended up spending $60 on a portrait we threw away 5 minutes later… and this is just scratching the surface.


#4 - Get the Authentic Cafe Experience

Unfortunately, scams also apply to cafes in Paris. If you’re in a touristy part of the city and it looks over-the-top beautiful, chances are it’s a scam. You’ll know it’s a good authentic cafe if it’s a little outside the major tourist attractions and it’s filled with local Parisians. All you have to do is walk a little outside the attractions to find them. You can also Google the best cafes in the city, which helped us find the better ones to visit.


#5 - You Don’t Need to Tip in Paris

While you’re at your quaint Parisian cafe, know that you don’t need to tip your servers. This is pretty standard throughout Europe, as many waiters do not rely on tipping to get paid. However, if you feel service was exceptional, a good rule of thumb is to tip 5-10% to your waiter.


#6 - Try to Speak French, Even if it’s Just a Little Bit

My husband and I did not take French growing up in school: I took 3 years of Latin and spent some time in Germany, where I learned German gradually. My husband speaks fluent Spanish. That does not help us in France. The only French we know is from pop culture, which can only get you so far. However, just knowing a few words can help improve your trip by a lot. The Parisians in particular appreciate it when you try. You’ll probably notice a difference in their attitude towards you. And it will make for a better trip while you’re here.


#7 - Don’t Stand Out

A big way to avoid scammers? Don’t stand out. If you blend in like a Parisian, you’ll most likely not get bombarded with all the scams people are trying to sell on the street. No shorts, t-shirts, and ball caps, Americans - you will stick out like a sore thumb… and be instantly targeted for these kinds of scams. Look up what fashion is currently being shown in Paris and pack accordingly in order to blend in more with the crowd.


#8 - The Metro is Not Always Accessible for People with Disabilities

This can be a big problem if you or someone you’re with is disabled. Much of the time, the metro does not have a lift. If it does, it’s usually broken. Depending on where you go, the stairs can be daunting and feel like they never end. For a mobility impaired individual, this can create a challenge. Therefore, we recommend sticking to buses, the trams, or other forms of transportation if you have a physical disability.


#9 - You Will Want to Keep an Eye on Your Belongings

Another concern you may have when you are in Paris is to watch your belongings. Pickpocketing is a major problem in Paris, with many losing their wallets, passports, souvenirs, and other important items when they’re not looking. Paris is generally a safe city to visit, but you will need to beware of pickpocketing, especially in heavily dense touristy areas.


#10 - Leave Plenty of Time for Paris

Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world for a reason. It’s gorgeous, has fantastic food, possesses some of the most incredible museums in the world, and has its own unique culture. While you’re in Paris, you will want to have more than a couple of days for it. There’s just too much to see while you’re here. We estimate you’ll probably need at least 4 days to feel satisfied with your time in Paris.

Paris is a gorgeous city with tons to do, so make sure you make the most of it!


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