Top Foods to Try in Copenhagen, Denmark


#1 - Smørrebrød

When you wander around Copenhagen, this is what you will see a lot of. Smørrebrød is essentially an open-face sandwich. It can come in many, many different toppings, the but one thing that is the same is the bread. It is a dense rye bread that is spread with butter. Toppings can range from seafood, pork (image above), potatoes, vegetables, and much more!


#2 - Stegt Flæsk

With Smørrebrød being everywhere throughout the city, you would think that the open-faced sandwich would be the national dish of Denmark. However, that belongs to Stegt Flæsk. Stegt Flæsk is pork belly that is served with steamed potatoes in a parsley cream sauce. It is rich and very filling. It is also a little difficult to come by, as we were aware that many eat the dish during special occasions, like holidays and celebrations.


#3 - Pickled Herring

Once again on an open-faced sandwich, but pickled herring can be enjoyed on its own as well. And it’s exactly what it sounds like: It’s pickled fish. Some might be thrown off to try it, but don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it! It’s actually quite nice in flavour and texture. It’s salty, vinegary, and rich in taste, so we recommend having it with something else, like crackers, to balance out the flavour.


#4 - Danish Hot Dog

Copenhagen is not an affordable travel destination, and it’s definitely evident when going out to eat. However, one of the most affordable foods to try in Copenhagen is the Danish hot dog. There are hot dog stands all throughout the city, so you’re bound to find one near you. It consists of a hot dog (traditional or red), remoulade sauce, lightly pickled cucumbers, onions, and fried onions all in a toasted bun. Not bad for $3!


#5 - Danish Meatballs

Each Scandinavian country has their own version of meatballs. The Danish meatball consists of pork, onions, garlic, and oats. It does not usually come with a sauce and is formed a little flatter than a traditional meatball. Sometimes, you’ll even see the meatballs sliced and put in a sandwich as well.


#6 - Fish… Literally Any Kind of Seafood

When you’re in Scandinavia, you eat fish. Although pork seems to reign king in Denmark, the fish here is still very good (contrary to what our Norwegian and Swedish friends say). You can find fish in all forms, such as grilled, pickled, fried, etc. You can also find many, many types of fish to try as well. And don’t forget about the oysters, scallops, crab, or prawns. Everything is delicious!


#7 - Roasted Pork with Caramelised Potatoes

Another very traditional dish in Denmark is roasted pork with caramelised potatoes. The pork develops a hard crust on the outer side, which adds a nice textural balance to the dish. The potatoes are so caramelised that it almost tastes like a dessert. It pairs very nicely with the saltiness of the pork and creates a symphony of flavours for your taste buds!


#8 - Spandauer & Brunsviger

Spandauer is essentially where the beloved Danish pastry comes from. It is a flaky crust filled with a rich custard centre. You can find these in any bakeries, cafes, and even in some restaurants. It’s a really nice treat that is perfect for those who don’t care for overly sweet desserts.

Brunsviger is considered one of the more popular pastries in Denmark, with it being a coffee cake. It is a yeasty bread topped with a warm brown sugar topping. Perfect for an afternoon teatime break.


#9 - Danish Apple Trifle

When we arrived in Copenhagen for the first time, we were advised to try the apple trifle in Denmark. It’s a trifle consisting of apple sauce, granola-like breadcrumbs, and whipped cream. While not a particular favourite of ours, a lot of locals and tourists alike enjoy it. You’ll most likely find it in traditional Danish restaurants.


#10 - Other Ethnic Foods

Lastly, you will find a TON of other ethnic foods in and around Copenhagen. Many Danes have said they prefer other ethnic foods to their own traditional dishes. Foods such as pizza and burgers have become part of the Danish cuisine and diet. So, you really can’t go wrong with any restaurant or type of food you try while in Copenhagen. It will all be delicious!


The Top 10 Best Things to Do in Copenhagen, Denmark